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西班牙頂級豬種的正式名稱是「伊比利亞黑毛豬 Iberico Pig」(西班牙文 Cerdo ibérico),是原產於伊比利半島的傳統家豬品種。此豬品種全身豬毛均呈黑色,鼻吻部細長,黑蹄。其食慾旺盛,體形傾向肥胖,背部、前腿、後腿肌肉發達,肉質會呈現出經典的大理石紋理。

而伊比利亞黑毛豬受到嚴格的品種監控,西班牙政府由2014年開始立例監管,需有至少50%伊比利亞血統的黑毛豬,並在政府認可的西班牙產區內出產,這些豬才能使用「Iberico Pig 伊比利亞黑毛豬」這個名字命名。

至於「杜洛克豬 Duroc Pig」就屬於完全另一個品種,不屬於黑毛豬種系。根據美國俄克拉荷馬州立大學對牲畜品種的研究資料顯示,杜洛克豬種源於美國東部,由兩個紅色豬種混合而來,豬毛呈紅棕色,體型比伊比利亞黑毛豬較大,肉質較為結實,油花分佈會比伊比利亞黑毛豬少一些。杜洛克豬的產量相比嚴控出產的伊比利亞黑毛豬來說多出不少,加上其肉質、餵飼、產地上的差異,杜洛克豬在市場上的價錢一般比伊比利亞黑毛豬便宜約三分之一。

杜洛克 Duroc 在中文譯名上有時會出現「杜洛黑」的譯法,這使市面上會出現「杜洛黑豬」或「杜洛黑豚」的名字。而伊比利亞黑毛豬 Iberico Pig 在中文譯名上亦會有出現「伊比利亞黑豚」的譯法,這是一個導致人容易將「杜洛克豬」與「黑毛豬」混淆的原因之一。

Duroc 杜洛克豬並非Iberico黑毛豬,下次購買時記得分清楚,中文譯名顯示是「黑豚」,並不代表那就是黑毛豬。


What is ACO?

If you are serious about your organic business, choose Australian Certified Organic.

Australian Certified Organic (ACO) is Australia’s largest certifier for organic and biodynamic produce and has over 1500 operators within its certification system. ACO is a not for profit fully-owned subsidiary of Australia Organic Ltd.

ACO provides certification services to operators from all sectors of the organic industry. Certification ensures compliance with national production standards and allows trace back of all products to their origin.



What is World Egg Day

The first World Egg Day was celebrated in 1996 and since then we have seen a variety of wonderful events taking place internationally, with people enjoying and celebrating the wonderful versatility of the egg. There is so much to celebrate – Eggs have the potential to feed the world Eggs have a vital role to play in feeding people around the world, in both developed and developing countries. They are an excellent, affordable source of high quality protein, with the potential to feed the world. This year World Egg Day is Friday 14th October 




Eggs must be fresh – they hold together better!Break egg into a small cup before adding into the water, this helps keep white together and surrounds the yolkPut a dash of vinegar in the water, this little trick helps keep your egg together during the cooking processKeep water at a simmer to achieve a delicious runny yolk at the end– don’t fast boilA slotted spoon & draining on kitchen paper drains off any excess water.
